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One of our partners sharing his experience

Paul Smolenaers clearly runs a different kind of company than the one he took over from his parents. The diversity of rental storage, insect farm, and Kiri trees makes it exciting. He builds his business on various pillars.
"In 2010, I took over the company from my parents," says Paul Smolenaers. "Things were going well, but I saw a lot of changes. The self-storage business was doing well thanks to the economy, government policies, and the housing crisis. I saw an opportunity for investment in land where others left off, and this company, with a rule or two, could make the world a little prettier."

View outside

"When the company is finished with its work, it creates space for new entrepreneurship. It's hard to think about anything other than looking outside. I have always thought that the next day could be my last. That's how I've been raising insects for a week now, and it's also how I became enthusiastic about the Kiri tree. A tree native to East Asia. It's a growth champion. The tree, in its first year, can reach a height of 25 meters and grow in seven years to a trunk diameter of 40 centimeters. It's very light wood compared to its volume and can serve the housing industry, furniture makers, and paper manufacturers. The tree wants to grow, it's not demanding in terms of soil, and it doesn't need much care. A builder in the Netherlands has taken up the challenge of making the world's most sustainable house out of Kiri wood. The wood from the Kiri tree is an excellent alternative for tropical hardwoods."

"Of course, none of this comes by itself. You need good partners around you. I work with Daelin Green, an online platform that uses its knowledge and expertise to help plant my Kiri trees, creating a new business model. Rabobank sees the business network potential of the Kiri tree in the circular economy and other market segments. Together, we are developing an investment in a completely new market. It all creates an enormously positive vibe. That was never there before. With the Kiri tree, I have found new 'roots' for my company."

Newsletter; landbouwtransitie regio Limburg
Vrijdag, November 10, 2023

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  • De Miscanthus brochure
  • De Paulownia (Kiri) brochure
  • De carbon credits brochure
  • De algemene brochure
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